Pedestrian Accident

When cars collide with pedestrians, there is high potential for serious injury or death. Drivers should take appropriate care in crowded areas or school zones, for the potential that a pedestrian will enter the roadway. Pedestrians should follow the advice that we attempt to ingrain into the youngest of children – look both ways before attempting to cross the street.
Driver Error:
Common driver errors or driving misconduct which contributes to car-pedestrian accidents include:
Disregarding a Crosswalk:
Drivers who don’t pay attention to crosswalks, whether at intersections or at other points in the roadway, create a significant risk of accident. Drivers should exercise appropriate care that pedestrians are not crossing the road before passing through a designated crosswalk.
Disregarding a Traffic Control Device:
When drivers ignore traffic controls, particularly those which specifically relate to pedestrian traffic, they significantly increase the chances of an accident.
Disregarding a Pedestrian Already Crossing the Roadway:
When a pedestrian in the roadway ahead of a car is obviously crossing the road, or has entered the driver’s lane while in the process of crossing the road, drivers should exercise appropriate caution and should yield as necessary to avoid accident.
Driving While Intoxicated:
Drunk drivers pose a high risk of injury to pedestrians, and there are many notorious cases where drunk drivers have caused accidents, striking pedestrians on sidewalks.